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EPIC Leader Videos

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Our goal and desire is to equip and train pastors, small group leaders and other lay people to set captives free; to make authentic disciples who can walk out their true identity and freedom in Christ. These videos will help ground you in the underlying theology and practical application of identity-based counseling and discipleship.


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Live EPIC Leader

In this conference, we covered the material that is found in our EPIC Leader workbooks.  The links to purchase the workbooks are found below.

1. EPIC Leader I

So many leaders do not feel qualified or equipped to help those with spiritual conflicts and bondage. EPIC Leader I provides Biblical tools and principles that will help you bring the message of identity and freedom in Christ to your church or organization.


Resources associated with EPIC Leader I videos:

EPIC Leader I Workbook

Discipleship Counseling

Neil Anderson

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2. EPIC Leader II

These videos present material that will give you a clear model and guide to discipleship counseling and tools to help all believers overcome their spiritual conflicts.


Resources associated with EPIC Leader II videos:

EPIC Leader II Workbook



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Contact us if you have any questions about Infusion Ministries, or if you’d like to host an EPIC event at your church or organization. 



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We are 100% supported by donations. Your partnership helps make our work possible, helping others across the world to discover their true identity and freedom in Christ. 

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